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Our guarantees:
Virtually invisible design
Greater speech clarity
Wireless streaming
Our guarantees:
The Muse iQ is a revolutionary hearing aid by Starkey that is virtually invisible and equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Not only can it detect a speaker’s voice and automatically reduce distracting background noise, but with its Bluetooth feature, you can stream audio from your smartphone, tablet or TV directly into your hearing aid.
This hearing aid will
improve your quality of life!
Starkey Muse
Small, smaller, Muse
Wireless streaming
Experience how this device will improve your quality of life by registering for a risk-free trial period.
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Free advice from our hearing aid experts on life-changing hearing aids
Access to the best hearing aids at competitive prices from the leading manufacturers
100% money-back guarantee on all hearing aids
45 days risk-free hearing aid trial
The future of modern hearing systems is here
Starkey is changing lives with one of the most advanced hearing aids in the industry.
After many years of research and development, engineers have found a way to pack cutting-edge technology in a device so small, it disappears inside your ear.
Sign up here to learn more about our risk-free trial, locations, pricing, and financing options. Our consultations are 100% FREE and without any obligations.
Unlike the big hearing amplifiers from 15 years ago, this sophisticated mini-computer offers many premium features! For example, it can detect a speaker’s voice and automatically reduce distracting background noise.
Its state-of-the-art technology provides a listening experience that feels just as natural as normal hearing. With this device, you’ll be able to enjoy conversations with loved ones anywhere you go, including noisy places like busy restaurants and crowded shopping malls.
If you love listening to music and watching TV, the Muse iQ can stream audio from Bluetooth-enabled devices, such as a smartphone or tablet, directly to your hearing aid.
Our consultations are 100% FREE and without any obligations.
Your advantages: provides you free advice from our hearing experts gives you access to the best hearing aids at competitive prices from the leading manufacturers guarantees 100% risk-free hearing aid testing with one of our top-rated partner specialists in your area
5 out of 5 stars | 1,776 reviews | 98% would recommend
With over 1.600 partner locations, is the #1 premium hearing aid network in the U.S.
5 out of 5 stars | 1,776 reviews
E x c e l l e n t
Starkey is revolutionizing the hearing aid industry with one of its smallest devices, the Muse iQ. This hearing aid sits completely unnoticeable in your ear canal while delivering the best sound quality. Unlike the big hearing amplifiers from 15 years ago, this smart minicomputer offers many premium features! For example, it can detect a speaker’s voice and automatically reduce distracting background noise. Its state-of-the-art technology provides a listening experience that feels just as natural as normal hearing. With this device, you’ll be able to enjoy conversations with loved ones anywhere you go, including noisy places like busy restaurants and crowded shopping malls. If you love listening to music and watching TV, Muse can stream audio from your Bluetooth-enabled devices, such as a smartphone or tablet, directly into your hearing aid. We want you to experience how this device will improve your quality of life. Simply fill out our questionnaire to learn more about our locations, pricing and risk-free trial.